It was a time when I worked with a rapidly growing division of an agency. As the business grew and my team grew, we hired relentlessly at all levels. Work was pouring in and we were all working at full capacity, responding to every client demand with overnight deadlines and yesterday deliveries! (Fedex could not have done it better). But at some point we realized that a lot of work done overnight was just that – work that displayed blurry thinking and bleary-eyed renditions.
Rubbing our eyes one morning we realized we were just working hard not smart. (Oh oh! Another catchphrase! The industry is so full of it isn’t it?)
To cut the long story short we realized with conviction we needed training.
We realized with even greater conviction that there was no budget for training.
And then we realized with some more conviction that we didn’t really need a budget – we just needed the right people and the right attitude. Bingo!

Nearly Nirvana!
We decided enlightenment for the entire team was not too difficult if we pooled our special skills and resources together as seniors; and if the juniors were willing. Both were more than willing – they were even ready to dedicate a weekend to this. No work was going to suffer, no deadline missed.
With this assurance was born one of the best workshops I’ve ever been part of.
I’d like to claim it as mine but will not – because it happened to be nearly 30 of us who made it possible and made it so very successful. And of course wonderfully close to the Direct Marketing Nirvana that we wanted to attain. (If you are part of the 30 who was with us during this time, do comment below and share it with those you remember were there!)

What we really learnt during this training programme
1. Training is essential – whether you are a trainer or a trainee: the learning is immense
2. Training does not need to be expensive
3. Training pays back manifold in terms of time and the quality of work delivered
4. Training means quicker reverts and less reworks
5. Training refreshes and resets the established patterns – an essential in a world where new ideas rule the roost
6. And finally, like I said before, training needs more than a budget – it needs an attitude.
And for those Nearly Nirvana graduates who came back enlightened after that weekend, bravo to your attitude.
You guys rocked then and you guys still do!
Pssst! Are you one of the Nearly Nirvana graduates? Put your name and tag the others in here! I need full attendance please!
Thanks & applause for Lishoy for providing me with the lovely branding material!
Thanks & applause for the senior team who each took up one part of the training and came with fantastic engaging modules. Thanks & applause to the entire team who contributed with their share (transport, food, stay, collaterals) and most of all their infectious enthusiasm!
What a star team! Your certificate is below!

One of the best teams indeed. And what an event it was. Thank you Vaishakhi for leading this and refreshing the enlightening experience. Special thanks to the juniors who took the shocker of an overnight assignment chest on with a smile. Miss each one of you.
I agree Rajesh! I think everyone put in their heart and soul in this workshop!