It’s nearly the end of the rainy season (well, considering recent storms in Mumbai – even the end is not here!) but we’ll leave the weather aside! The fields are verdant green, the trees washed clean, their leaves glistening.
Wear green today!
Green represents fertility, growth and yes – abundance. It’s all about greenbacks – the money. Green means plenty. Green also stands for the environment and nature. And everything that is organic. So let’s see how brands have explored this in their expression of identity.
Nothing says GO like green does, isn’t it? Like the traffic light. Thinking of taking that step forward… wear green and go forward, fearlessly.
Did you know 80% of purchase decisions are influenced by colour?
Here’s an interesting in-depth post on colour! Stay with me for more nuggets like these! For more reading on how I managed green during this festival, click here
And yes, tomorrow is Grey! Wear grey tomorrow!
Missed the earlier posts? Here they are: