Do you need to see the connections? Between the department of your organisation? Between the teams? Or even how the organisation is connected to the larger ecospace?
You really need to see the connections. See what a view from the top yields. See how the 30,000 feet thinking get you? Not just a view of the entire landscape but also how things are linked and interconnected to each other. And also, how interdependent the landscape of the organization is.
Which means…
- If you want the 30,000 feet view
- If you want to see the entire landscape
- If you want to explore the dependencies, you need to explore a LEGO SERIOUS PLAY workshop. Why?
To see the connections. To simply bring the whole piece together, a well-designed LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® workshop is the answer.
What you’ll get is (among other benefits) is…
- A deeper understanding of the nuances of co-creation within an organization
- A consensus from stakeholders
- A set of principles on how to work together going forward
But yes, it’s an honest view that you get – the truth and nothing but – and you must be ready for it.
See the connections. Step back. Start with the 30,000 ft view. And move forward as an organisation.
Time to pick up the bricks? Call. Message. Or send an email to

LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® is a facilitated meeting, communication and problem-solving method, where participants are led through a series of questions, which go deeper and deeper. Each participant builds his or her own three-dimensional LEGO model in response to the facilitator’s questions using specially selected LEGO bricks. These 3D models serve as the basis for group discussion, knowledge sharing, problem solving and decision-making.