In a short span of 3 weeks I’ve met some inspirational women. Acutally a lot of inspirational women. But I write about a few. Especially because the conversations are changing now. Here’s one Inspirational Woman who I met on February 17th!!
Meet Iris Davis – A world-champion, record-holder, bodybuilder and personal trainer at 76!
I want to be Iris Davis when I grow up. I met her at the #7thWomen Achievers Congress and Leadership Awards. Thank you @AalokPandit. She was a fellow awardee but also a speaker. Her tale was one of love, loss and a lot of courage. Of obstacles but of picking up herself after every stumble. Wow!
What an inspiration, what power, what awesomeness!
What was really inspirational about Iris was her no-nonsense attitude to her achievements. “If I can do it, you can” she said, in a matter-of-fact statement. There was no drama, no victim-card-play, no superciliousness. Just plain facts and achievements for all to see.
Advice from the Inspirational Woman
When I gushed to Iris as I took a (not great) selfie with her, and asked for advice, she simply said, “Get to the gym, every single day.” As simple as that. Well, I will… try.
Here’s how you get inspired. Check out this YouTubevid on her. And do follow her on Insta
And yes, get to the gym everyday.
Tomorrow, I’ll introduce you to yet another inspiring woman!