08 Mar 2020

Iris Davis: Pulling her weight in awesomeness! #InspirationalWomen2020

In a short span of 3 weeks I’ve met some inspirational women. Acutally a lot of inspirational women. But I write about a few. Especially because the conversations are changing now. Here’s one Inspirational Woman who I met on February 17th!!

Meet Iris Davis – A world-champion, record-holder, bodybuilder and personal trainer at 76!

I want to be Iris Davis when I grow up. I met her at the #7thWomen Achievers Congress and Leadership Awards. Thank you @AalokPandit. She was a fellow awardee but also a speaker. Her tale was one of love, loss and a lot of courage. Of obstacles but of picking up herself after every stumble. Wow!

What an inspiration, what power, what awesomeness!

What was really inspirational about Iris was her no-nonsense attitude to her achievements. “If I can do it, you can” she said, in a matter-of-fact statement. There was no drama, no victim-card-play, no superciliousness. Just plain facts and achievements for all to see.

Advice from the Inspirational Woman

When I gushed to Iris as I took a (not great) selfie with her, and asked for advice, she simply said, “Get to the gym, every single day.” As simple as that. Well, I will… try.

Here’s how you get inspired. Check out this YouTubevid on her. And do follow her on Insta https://www.instagram.com/irisdavisofficial/?hl=en
And yes, get to the gym everyday.

Tomorrow, I’ll introduce you to yet another inspiring woman!