Stringing Together Beads of Hope

22 Mar 2020

Stringing the beads of hope together

In a state of sheer WhatsApp-Forward Fatigue and COVID-19-Information-Overload yesterday, I wanted to think of something better. That is not to say that I’d stick my head in the sand or ignore warnings. But to find an anchor in these troubled times. There are pleasant things to think about, to talk about and to share. This is the time to string the beads of hope together.

Stringing the Beads of Hope

That’s how the FB group Beads of Hope came about. With some quick help from my daughter I formed the group, wrote a post and invited people to join. Overnight we have more than 130 members in the group and the posting and sharing of many positive quotes, poems, films and thoughts has started. Here’s what I shared this morning:

Yes there is hope in a world of doom and gloom.
Leisure by W. H. Davies

Stringing the beads: In the throes of Nostalgia

It has taken a lot of us (especially school mates) in to throes of nostalgia. Thinking of those moments when we learnt and memorised the poem – not knowing or anticipating that as life overtakes us we will surely not have “time to stand and stare”. And as the world comes to a screeching, grinding halt, especially today as all of India goes into curfew, you realise that you can indeed, stand and stare, sit and stare and stare and stare.

Stringing the beads: The Sounds of Silence

A friend wrote a blog on “The Sounds of Silence. (Do read. Link below.) But indeed that’s the key phrase for today. In this induced silence I can hear the rustling of the leaves of the lone coconut tree outside my window. In the distance I can hear a dog barking. Instead of the raucous caw of the crow, I can hear (but not see) sparrows chirping. Every sound is crystal clear. What’s not there is what I am not missing. Loud clanging of gates. Screeching of car horns. The sputter of auto-rickshaws. And even loud music – which happens usually on a festival holiday!)

There is hope. Yes, there is hope.

I’ve got 130 thumping yesses from people who have become contributors the the hope garland. There is hope. There is positivity and yes, there is at least today, time to stand and stare. If this resonates with you send me a connection request on Facebook and become part of the group. Or simply comment below on what’s positive about you. One word that gives hope to the rest of us. Don’t worry, I will ensure your comment is read and published. Meanwhile, say positive, stay positive.

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The Sounds of Silence

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