Wisdom from the Youth #7
The Dialogue with the Duo features Shrita and Shaurya, the twins who did the virtual Lego Serious Play session with us together.
This is part of a series of posts on our interactions with young people for the dialogue on Climate Change (now against the backdrop of the COVID pandemic). These were each in their own way eye-opening. The focus was on looking at the positives coming out of this pandemic and how the youth felt about the bigger challenge that faces humanity – Climate Change. While we were familiar with the Lego® Serious Play® Methodology, there were several firsts:
– A new design thanks to #Bricks4Change core team
– A new medium – mostly virtual
– New circumstances – given a global lockdown and pandemic
– A non-corporate subject and set-up
The Dialogue with the Duo : Twice the Wisdom
Here follows our dialogues in a rapid-fire sequence with pictures. And what we gained out of them: wisdom from the youth!
This is the SEVENTH conversation using Lego Serious Play(LSP) and across the globe using a virtual medium.
Subsequently we’ve had several meaningful conversations with youngsters from ages 10 to 27. This continues. Keep watching this space for more.
Shrita: Student
City: Mumbai
Country: India
Our Dialogue with the Duo featured Shrita and Shaurya. Shrita is not quite sure what the session is going to bring on for her and her twin brother, Shaurya. The initial responses are tentative but once done she was very clear in what she wanted to represent. The session also showcases her sensitive side as she appreciates her sensitivity towards the family and the time spent together.

People are getting time with their families at home…
…says young Shrita as we commence our first round of dialogue on what we share as the ‘gift’ the virus has given us.
From getting extra TV time to noticing that the family has come together in spending their spare time, Shrita has some key points regarding the gifts the lockdown has brought her. She herself talks about spending more time at home with the family and getting to play on the terrace more often.
“I get extra TV time thanks to the lockdown” says Shrita, having created a luxurious sofa as her model. (We love the design!)

The Dialogue with the Duo: Going deeper
But as we go deeper, Shrita talks about the ozone layer repairing itself due to the global lockdown and the reduced levels of pollution.
Her resolve for the future? A model with a little plant and a watering can next to it. “This represents that I will plant more trees in the future”, proclaims Shrita.
The Lego Serious Play Session: Our individual takes
“I really liked the session and I loved making different models out of LEGO. It was fun!” says Shrita simply as her feedback on the session. On my part once again I am thrown off by how well the youth is entrenched in the current situation and how each one wants to make a small but significant contribution to the planet, knowing that it matters.
Do you want to know more? Or be part of this challenge?
If you have someone between the age of 10 and 24 who has Lego bricks at home, let us know. The online sessions are on till the 22nd of July. To get more info on this global dialogue with the youth, a Bricks4Change initiative using the Lego Serious Play Methodology, click here.
For earlier posts click here