Wisdom from the Youth #8
The Dialogue with the Duo features Shrita and Shaurya, the twins who did the virtual Lego Serious Play session with us together. Our Dialogue with the Duo featured Shrita and Shaurya. Shrita is not quite sure what the session is going to bring on for her and her twin brother, Shaurya. Shaurya is the one who is the Lego fan and he feels ‘at home’ with his bricks. Shaurya’s responses to the questions, his models and of course his reflections were very different from Shrita’s. He was also faster! And at some point (understandably) either bored or restless.
This is part of a series of posts on our interactions with young people for the dialogue on Climate Change (now against the backdrop of the COVID pandemic). These were each in their own way eye-opening. The focus was on looking at the positives coming out of this pandemic and how the youth felt about the bigger challenge that faces humanity – Climate Change. While we were familiar with the Lego® Serious Play® Methodology, there were several firsts:
– A new design thanks to #Bricks4Change core team
– A new medium – mostly virtual
– New circumstances – given a global lockdown and pandemic
– A non-corporate subject and set-up
The Dialogue with the Duo : Double the wisdom
Here follows our dialogues in a rapid-fire sequence with pictures. And what we gained out of them: wisdom from the youth!
This is the EIGHTH conversation using Lego Serious Play(LSP) and across the globe using a virtual medium.
Subsequently we’ve had several meaningful conversations with youngsters from ages 10 to 27. This continues. Keep watching this space for more.
Shaurya: Student
City: Mumbai
Country: India
“Plants and trees are growing faster as there is less pollution“

Shaurya is quick with the bricks, quick in deciding what his models will be and then restless as he waits for his sister to complete her model. Shaurya states it as it is. “I am getting bored as I cannot go out and play with my friends” he says. His next model talks about his birthday celebration during lockdown with the family members around him. He talks of going to the terrace and seeing some planes fly. Knowing there no domestic or international flights were operational (at that time) Shaurya surmises that they must be to supply food and medicines to the poor across the country and the world.
An insight into a young boy’s mind
Shaurya’s model for the future is a message in itself. It’s a house. “This model shows a house which I will step out of and walk out and meet friends”, he says simply. It’s true. The lockdown has had many a youngster feel cooped up in the four walls of the house. It is commendable how they are showing restraint and it is lovely how the Lego Serious Play methodology has brought that out.

Our Individual takes on the Session
After all his restlessness and ‘boredom’ Shaurya had very positive feedback to give about the session. “It was a fun workshop and I loved doing the different activities and building models with LEGO“. For me two things stood out very starkly: one that children who already play with Lego to build find this new way of engaging with their bricks exciting, challenging and fun. And two, the young ones are feeling the brunt of being captive in the house. With schools starting online now for most children in Mumbai (and India) this must be even worse. We, as adults, must be conscious of and sensitive to that fact.
Do you want to know more? Or be part of this challenge?
To get more info on this global dialogue with the youth, a Bricks4Change initiative using the Lego Serious Play Methodology, click here. It’s on till 22nd July.
If you want to see the earlier posts click here