What the participant says…
A workshop is as good as what the participant says about it. So we decided to ask a few questions of our participants.
Meet Sakshi L, a student who found great value in the online writing workshop. Sakshi was one of the participants of the July batch of My Alchemy, the online writing workshop. A good writer herself, Sakshi said she wanted to hone her writing skills, and also wield the pen more often! Here is a short exchange we had with her.
But, before that a bit on My Alchemy.
My Alchemy: The Online Writing Workshop
My Alchemy is an online writing workshop that brings together writing aspirants and takes them through the key elements for good writing. Through a series of writing sprints, assignments, group and individual exchanges, participants learn a lot from the content, from the group and of course, from themselves.
That’s what My Alchemy is about: looking at various elements of writing: from coming up with ideas, to structuring your work, to crafting well to editing your piece. All across 8 sessions (week days or weekends)
Which is the one aspect in which My Alchemy has helped you the most?
The participant says…
“My Alchemy has helped me overcome my writer’s block and get back into the groove of writing” says Sakshi, an enthusiastic writer. As part of the workshop Sakshi crafted an unusual and original story, besides writing various pieces small and big.
The workshop has given me great tools to make my writing more structured and clear, which helped me get my point across.
How is My Alchemy different?
“My Alchemy deviates from traditional creative writing workshops by teaching you how to write with feeling. With their unique assignments, My Alchemy teaches you how to elevate your writing using innovative words and expressions.“

And you’d recommend My Alchemy to?
I would recommend My Alchemy to any college students looking to bring a fresh, newer approach to their projects, reviews and essays. It will teach you how to think laterally and bring originality to your writings.
And that’s what the participant says!
Are you itching to polish your writing skills?
Want to express your thoughts better?
Want to get your message across clearly? Whether at work or otherwise?
Sharpen your pencils. Pull out your word app. Choose between weekdays or weekends. And register. Look for My Alchemy on Book my show! (Check link below)
The next few batches are filling up.
Link to new batches coming up!
Want to know more about My Alchemy? Click here
More of My Alchemy -Participant Speak? Click here or Here
And yet another participant speaks here
Or simply watch this video
I am a Creative Writer. I work with an advertising agency as a Creative Director. I had self-published a book of poems in the past. I have many thoughts in place to be put across in the form of my second book. I read what Sakshi wrote. But I wish to know, what kind of workshops are available for people in my position. I would be thankful, if I am helped with some details on the same.
Hi Purnesh
Thanks for writing in. And yes I too have a deep background in the advertising industry as a writer. I believe that the writing journey never stops and even now I learn with every new batch that comes in for my workshop.
Let’s get to what is in it for you.
First, you will be able to get privy to the tools, tips and techniques that I have used for over 3 decades and that have consistently worked for me and for others.
Second, you will be able to hone, polish and chisel your craft with a group of likeminded people.
Third, you will get enough feedback, both from me and the others to see your work from another’s point of view. (As a writer myself I find this bit invaluable.)
Finally, as I said earlier, this workshop takes you forward in your writing journey.
We are also looking at creating a community of writers as we go along so that the learning never stops.
Do share your email address with me and I will send you some more details about the workshop.
That is if you are lifelong learner like I am. I’d be happy to welcome on board!