16 Mar 2018

Cross-cultural communication or the lack of it could well be the missing ingredient in a ‘dream team’ you set up.   The truth is – the world is not as flat as it seems. And while a President somewhere is busy trying to build a wall, what he does not realise is that there is really no need to do so. A wall already exists. Everywhere in fact. Especially when two cultures come together. Wha...

29 Sep 2017

And now to the final day and the final colour. A colour that's rich not only in its significance but also in history and legend. Here's a bit of background on the colour purple. Purple in the olden days was a difficult dye to come by, making it the colour only the very wealthy could afford. Here's an extract from an article from The Guardian (Link below) Tyrian purple was made from t...

28 Sep 2017

So much of Pink is considered a colour for girls. But here's what Pink actually stands for. Here's what I wrote in an earlier post on this colour Remember the day you wore a pink dress and felt wonderful? Felt supremely confident yet compassionate?  And felt like you could…well.. rule the world?  Wasn’t it the loveliest of pinks? Weren’t you quite the royalty? Get ...

27 Sep 2017

For everything that blue represents, it's the most used colour for logos globally. BLUE is Calm and Logical. Stands for : Serenity - Stability - Peacefulness. Blue is associated with the sky and the ocean, which both evoke feelings of tranquility and security. It has also been proven that people are the most productive when they work in blue rooms. Blue is also known to curb appetites,...

26 Sep 2017

It was an eye-opening afternoon at The Press Club, Mumbai yesterday where great forces came together to talk about philanthropy, giving and taking. Social Access Communications and Points for People, an initiative of Tata Trusts came together to present a Master Class with author Amish Tripathi. The discussion was moderated by Lynn de Souza, Founder, Social Access with Amish Tripathi,...

26 Sep 2017

STOP! It's time for Red now! It's time to draw all your attention to the high energy, high activity, high energy colour. Think of all the brands that use red and you'll sit up and take notice. "Gimme Red" proclaimed a popular brand of battery cells - bringing in the energy, the light and the passion of the colour into the brand. Closer home two popular telecom brands are ...

25 Sep 2017

White is no colour. It's the absence of colour. Or if you spin a colour wheel all colours unite to form a lovely white light. White is all colours and yet none! Pristine. Pure. And very importantly, 'uncomplicated'. And no brand has done it better than Apple. Remember the first iPhone? And how everyone clambered for white, having had enough of their 'black'berries and their Samsungs? ...

24 Sep 2017

Welcome the orange. The colour of fire. Fire the purifier! Wherein only the good remains and the evil gets destroyed. Here's what I wrote in an earlier post: While orange is everything bright and beautiful that India and Indians stand for what’s really worth talking about is the symbolism of orange. Most people know that orange has immense religious significance because most of the mo...

23 Sep 2017

It's all there in black and white - the significance of grey and it's importance as a very corporate colour. Grey or Gray... the colour remains the same - and could have 50 shades! But hush.. we don't talk about them here! Gray is the color of intellect, knowledge, and wisdom. It is perceived as long-lasting, classic, and often as sleek or refined. It is a color that is dignified, conse...

22 Sep 2017

  It's nearly the end of the rainy season (well, considering recent storms in Mumbai - even the end is not here!) but we'll leave the weather aside! The fields are verdant green, the trees washed clean, their leaves glistening. Wear green today! Green represents fertility, growth and yes - abundance. It's all about greenbacks - the money. Green means plenty. Green also ...