23 Jun 2021

creative materials
Our creative workshop was facilitated by the three of us: my erstwhile colleagues and current network partners, Dinesh, Roopal and I. We conceptualized, created and co-facilitated it for members of a creative and content team of a large corporate. So, we worked on timings, on content, and on focusing on delivering the best we could do, given constraints. (Isn’t that what creativity i...

26 May 2017

Book Review: Unlock the Real Power of Ideation R. Sridhar's book, Unlock the Real Power of Ideation, was launched yesterday (25th May 2017) with an engaging panel discussion, a brilliant ‘book-cake’ cutting and a ‘fam-jam’ of the Ogilvy family and some doyens of the industry. When I moved out of the advertising industry to the IT industry a lot of my colleagues in the new place would l...