10 Feb 2022

Pic of green tea in a cup
From time to time, I get together with the My Alchemy Graduates and we do a writing sprint. Although I am the one who furnishes the prompts, I usually don't have time to think about them. It's only in that 'space' across the zoom windows that the writerly atmosphere gets created. And together we write. Later we share. We exchange feedback. Most importantly, we have fun. The pencils get s...

09 Mar 2021

On the first of March, 2021, I started something that I had been planning for quite a while: the My Alchemy 30 day writing challenge. #MyAlchemy30DayWritingChallenge. #MyAlchemy30DayWritingChallenge Armed with nothing but a belief that everyone can and ‘should’ write, and the desire to encourage every pen to make contact with paper, I had painstakingly worked on my writing challeng...

01 Mar 2021

"Okay, I don't think I can manage the politeness. We're friends right? I NEED, no, I WANT a book or a diary for my writing. One of those classy ones. "What do you mean another one? This is the only one you're getting me this week. "Oh oh... any colour. The brighter the better. Not fussy. "Oh yes, a Moleskin would be awesome. But as long as it's one of the better brands, it's ...

22 Feb 2021

"The meeting has been shifted again". She looked up aghast. "No..." "Yes." He said. His face had no expression. His dark eyes revealed nothing. She started praying fervently. It really couldn't be on a Wednesday. Or could it? This hanging-by-the-thread feeling was a bit much. "It's shifted to... ". His phone beeped. Distracted he checked his phone, heartlessly not fin...

17 Sep 2020

Birthday gift
“Happy Birthday!” “Thanks for the gift. But it’s not for another 3 weeks!” “I know. I know.” “I presume you’ve marked it in your calendar.” “Haan, haan. Of course.” “As usual, you’re preoccupied with something. It’s something to do with your writing. Or thinking of writing. Right?” “Er… okay… well…” “Admit it. Okay… wait, wait. I know this. Let me say my piece before...

16 Sep 2020

Introducing My Alchemy I just finished yet another batch of my writing workshop. A workshop that runs across 16 hours, 4 weekend, 2 hours each session. Plus time every week for individual feedback for each assignment. And then there's the time I spend one-on-one with each participant. 24 hours. Not to mention the time I take to create the modules. But don't count that time! Intro...

15 Sep 2020

plated watermelon; posttitle
"Watermelon?" "What?" "What-er-Melon", she laughed at her own joke as she continued punching the keys on her laptop. He did not seem to find it funny though. "That's your dinner tonight. Don't miss the careful plating. A seed or two may have crept in. I am told it's good for you." "Er... you ARE joking, aren't you?" "See this look on my face? Am I joking?" She looked at her scre...

14 Sep 2020

Fries Burger and ketchup
"Why not?", she said biting into her burger. The mayo oozed out. She licked it off her fingers. "Well...for one it's a working day." "Amazing isn't it? " She took another bite, then had a swig of her coffee. "Er..." "Look," she said excitedly and held her hands out. "It's Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday!" "Yes, I know the days of the week." he said dourly, sip...

20 Aug 2020

There are 3 things I learnt when I ran a writing workshop recently - with adults. Of course there are more than 3. But let's start with these. It was over weekends - four weekends to be precise. 15 eager beavers joined my workshop, knowing it came from a place of passion. And what they learnt was simple - how to write better! But more importantly, what came out what my own learning! ...