06 Mar 2020

It's a new world now. And a new world needs new thinking, new strategies for growth. It's time to rediscover LEGO SERIOUS PLAY - the globally renowned problem-solving methodology. The question is, do you need a LEGO SERIOUS PLAY workshop? Chances are you do. If you are in an industry that is looking at growth, you need a LEGO SERIOUS PLAY workshop. You say you are in the Bankin...

23 Dec 2016

It’s 8:45 am. I am standing in a small queue of people: early risers who are obviously eager to catch the worm. We are outside the bank. It opens at 9 am. No one seems perturbed. Everyone has accepted this as: ‘life’ ‘fate’ ‘country’ and so on. A short young security guy stands guard at the half open door. He tries to look fierce and fails miserably. His job is to allow only the bank...