03 Mar 2020

There are so many questions on Lego Serious Play People are intrigued. Amused. Curious. Even sceptical. And most have a question to ask when we say we are Certified Lego(R) Serious Play(R) facilitators. (Does play even need certification? Serious?) Okay let's take that as Question One. We can get started Question ONE: Serious play? Certification? Seriously?! One of the most comm...

26 Jul 2019

Three Years
Three Years can mean so much Three years! It's been three years with my own venture: AbacusYellow, based on the principle of simplicity. I'm three years older, three years wiser and yes, three years more optimistic.  In the past few days, I’ve been flooded with congratulatory messages on my ‘work anniversary’ on LinkedIN. (I'm grateful to all those who sent me those messages and I've ...

25 Jul 2019

I’ve built a stellar team that has degrees and portfolios and awards filling reams of resume pages. I’ve interviewed newbies who come with truckloads of certificates, certifications and diplomas that cover all the letters of the alphabet. I've got the skill sets, capabilities and prerequisites to run this tight shop to perfection. Truly I think I’ve arrived. And then someone from my tea...

16 Mar 2018

Cross-cultural communication or the lack of it could well be the missing ingredient in a ‘dream team’ you set up.   The truth is – the world is not as flat as it seems. And while a President somewhere is busy trying to build a wall, what he does not realise is that there is really no need to do so. A wall already exists. Everywhere in fact. Especially when two cultures come together. Wha...

09 Feb 2017

The world is flat. Global. Borderless. All of us know this and acknowledge it. To top that, smart organisations have found that putting a global team together means you can manage economies as well as efficiencies of scale. You can pick an expert from anywhere in the world and get that expert to work with another expert team anywhere else. Remotely. Online. On the phone, mail, Skype and ...