06 Jul 2024

Book Review and Picture of Book Cover
15 WORKPLACE LESSONS FROM THE BEES. BY JOHN BRITT AND JAN GREEN It's not every day that your co-author co-authors another book (even before you've stopped talking about the first one). But if anyone were to write a book about the busy-ness of bees and how to bee indispensable, it would have to be the prolific John Britt! Bee-Come Indispensable: 15 Workplace Lessons from the Bees...

26 May 2024

Book Cover
The Lost Novel by Gabriel Garcia Marquez Book Review: Until August (The Lost Novel) Gabriel Garcia Marquez #BookReview #GabrielGarciaMarquez #TheLostNovel #UntilAugust #LessThan500Words #Hardcover Until August by Gabriel Garcia Marquez has just been published. Thanks, NB, for letting me know. I had read about it. But didn’t know it was out. I ordered it immediately. It’s g...

18 Nov 2022

Book Review: What I Really Meant to Say
A Guest Post by Vasudev Murthy All of us struggle with communication. We think we are fluent in a language and wonder why others don’t "get it". Convinced that we represent our thoughts precisely, and equally convinced that we fully grasp what another person has said, we proceed, constantly fumbling and stumbling and ultimately make a mess of practically everything. 'I thought y...

25 Jul 2022

Book Title and Cover
Tiny Book. Huge Import. As part of the series for the #Indica1000ReviewersClub2022, one of the books that landed off the post one fine day was Shitala: How India Enabled Vaccination. The timing could not be better. Considering that we are just going through the tail-end of a pandemic, with vaccination (two doses, a booster and yet another booster) being a key topic, this becomes a...

26 May 2017

Book Review: Unlock the Real Power of Ideation R. Sridhar's book, Unlock the Real Power of Ideation, was launched yesterday (25th May 2017) with an engaging panel discussion, a brilliant ‘book-cake’ cutting and a ‘fam-jam’ of the Ogilvy family and some doyens of the industry. When I moved out of the advertising industry to the IT industry a lot of my colleagues in the new place would l...