03 Mar 2020

There are so many questions on Lego Serious Play People are intrigued. Amused. Curious. Even sceptical. And most have a question to ask when we say we are Certified Lego(R) Serious Play(R) facilitators. (Does play even need certification? Serious?) Okay let's take that as Question One. We can get started Question ONE: Serious play? Certification? Seriously?! One of the most comm...

05 Sep 2019

Our Learning: The journey is as important as the destination` On Saturday, 24th of August 2019, four of us set out for Nashik. 2 of us from Mumbai and 2 from Pune. The reason? We were invited by the LinkedInLocal Nashik host, Makarand Savarkar (better known as Mak) to conduct a LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® Session for the LinkedInLocalNashik. And we were eager to do so. Gamification of Goa...

10 Jun 2019

The LSP Method helps teams create a landscape and play our scenarios for the future
The LEGO(R) SERIOUS PLAY(R) methodology (LSP) is a facilitated thinking, communication and problem-solving technique for organisations, teams and individuals. And this was wonderfully played out in the team-building workshop we recently did. When a team comes together, the nuances, the connections, the ripple effects are too many to fathom. How does one garner the collective potentia...