04 Nov 2021

Lotus Flower
Everyone knows. It’s the season of gifting. As the days of Diwali come closer the pace gets frenetic. Inside. As well as outside the home. Gifting. What do I gift my near and dear ones? I am not much on the social circle. I hover on the outside periphery. With a small but merry band of close and intimate connections. Which means, the gifting is not necessarily difficult. It’s not a...

23 Jun 2021

creative materials
Our creative workshop was facilitated by the three of us: my erstwhile colleagues and current network partners, Dinesh, Roopal and I. We conceptualized, created and co-facilitated it for members of a creative and content team of a large corporate. So, we worked on timings, on content, and on focusing on delivering the best we could do, given constraints. (Isn’t that what creativity i...

09 Mar 2021

On the first of March, 2021, I started something that I had been planning for quite a while: the My Alchemy 30 day writing challenge. #MyAlchemy30DayWritingChallenge. #MyAlchemy30DayWritingChallenge Armed with nothing but a belief that everyone can and ‘should’ write, and the desire to encourage every pen to make contact with paper, I had painstakingly worked on my writing challeng...

01 Mar 2021

"Okay, I don't think I can manage the politeness. We're friends right? I NEED, no, I WANT a book or a diary for my writing. One of those classy ones. "What do you mean another one? This is the only one you're getting me this week. "Oh oh... any colour. The brighter the better. Not fussy. "Oh yes, a Moleskin would be awesome. But as long as it's one of the better brands, it's ...

22 Feb 2021

"The meeting has been shifted again". She looked up aghast. "No..." "Yes." He said. His face had no expression. His dark eyes revealed nothing. She started praying fervently. It really couldn't be on a Wednesday. Or could it? This hanging-by-the-thread feeling was a bit much. "It's shifted to... ". His phone beeped. Distracted he checked his phone, heartlessly not fin...