18 Mar 2020

united states through the culture lens
United States. Through the culture lens. US. And them. If you see United States through the culture lens you find many strange revelations. Cross culture communications often take a tumble because we view ‘other people’ or those outside our country as them. It’s they, it’s the other, it’s the stranger among us. In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic however we are all the same: a specie...

16 Mar 2020

Blurred Boundaries: Cross Culture & Covid19 Yesterday I started the day with the most positive video regarding COVID-19 ever since the outbreak that of nurses removing their masks after the last of the temporary  quarantine facility in China shut down. As we move into Stage 2 of the #coronavirus pandemic in India, China is gracefully and gratefully reporting as few as 13 new ca...

12 Mar 2020

It is time to panic
I sit here breathing. There’s a gentle breeze blowing in and I am grateful for that. I can see the evening sky in the distance and the clouds lit up by the last weak rays of the setting sun. All looks good. All. Except the threat of the #coronavirus. COVID-19.It is time to panic. Yes. Hashtag. Corona. Virus. #COVID-19. #N-COVID-19 (Hashtagged or not, this is going viral). It is ...