There are so many questions on Lego Serious Play
People are intrigued. Amused. Curious. Even sceptical. And most have a question to ask when we say we are Certified Lego(R) Serious Play(R) facilitators. (Does play even need certification? Serious?) Okay let’s take that as Question One. We can get started
Question ONE: Serious play? Certification? Seriously?!
One of the most common questions on Lego Serious Play is if it is play why do we need certified? Okay, here goes. The Lego Serious Play facilitation methodology is a carefully conceptualised and well researched facilitation and problem-solving technique which uses specially designed Lego brick kits to probe deeper and deeper into insights that lead to solutions.
Question TWO: Is this training?
That’s another one of the common questions on Lego Serious Play. Also LSP. No it is not training. No the team that attends the workshop does not get trained nor does it get certified. (Want to know more about certification? Go here. If not, continue). LSP workshops are objective-based workshops that are specially designed to look for solutions to YOUR problems. While a certified facilitator learns techniques, each workshop design is unique. Why you ask. (Yet another question!) Because each organisation is unique and no two organisations share the same problem – even if it a generic problem, the background is different. The design of the workshop has to be tailored to finding solutions to YOUR problems. Not generic issues.
Question THREE: Is a Lego Serious Play workshop for me?
So you ask, do I need an LSP workshop? Not everyone does. Are you looking for a solution to a knotty problem? Like breakthrough growth? Or scaling up? Or are you wondering how to break the silos in the organisation? (You know if that is taken care of, half your battle is won!). Or are you simply looking at a team that could work at a higher level. One notch or several notches up. Maybe you are simply looking at which direction the marketing strategy or the growth strategy should be veering towards. How about creating a future-scape? If any of this is a yes, then yes, an LSP workshop would be of great benefit to you. Which brings us to the next question.
Question FOUR: Does the LSP Workshop work for my sector?
Is the Lego Serious Play workshop useful for my sector? Does it work for Banking? What about Construction? Education? Hospitality? The NGO Sector? And Pharma? If there is one Method that believes in ‘equality’ it’s the LSP method. All sectors are equal in the eyes of the little bricks that are all set to solve your problems. Basically all problems that need a solution are fodder for the bricks. So is an LSP workshop for you? Are you grappling with a problem? Chances are, if you want a way forward to solve your problem, the Lego Serious Play Methodology is for you.

Question FIVE: How does it work?
Now we are talking! The LSP method follows a core process of POSE A QUESTION > BUILD > SHARE > REFLECT. The questions start from simple and basic to getting deeper and deeper as the workshops moves on. The process remains the same. The design varies, as mentioned earlier. The insights that crop up are even more unique. And there are sometimes ‘A-HA’ moments during a workshop.
Question SIX: What questions?

So what are the questions asked during a workshop. Well, therein lies the crux of the design of the workshop. The LSP facilitator works closely with you to define the questions that need to be posed to the participants. And note, these are only questions. The answers, naturally, are unpredictable. What does that mean for you? Several things:
The answers may reveal facts that have not been spoken of before. Or it may take a turn where the design of the workshop may have to undergo changes. Which is why you need a certified LSP facilitator to design and run your workshops. Need to see the certification? Here…

Question SEVEN: Is it expensive?
That question is wrong. The question should be what is my ROI. It all depends on how much it costs you to leave your problem un-addressed. If things are going fine without you facing the issue or without you reaching for solutions, then you really don’t need to do much. If a solution is going to mean a more productive team, or a greater push to growth – well, the answers are there for you to see.
More questions on Lego Serious Play?
The LSP methodology is based on questions. We won’t be surprised if you have more. And we do have engaged business-owners wanting to know more. That’s simple to address too. Simply email either of us at and we can get into a first-level conversation on what this is all about. And maybe then start looking for the right answers to your problems.
Consider me intrigued. What a fabulous concept – thank you for bringing it to my awareness.
Thanks Naomi! When you sit in front of a pile of bricks it’s just wonderful! There’s a sense of play but eventually it taps into really deep recesses of your brain! Win-win! Thanks for commenting!