20 Mar 2020

The world is one family
The World is One Family : say Italy and Spain Sounds of singing have emanated from Italian balconies to those in New York. The Spanish clapping sequence is now ringing through the world to be followed by (I am sure) a thunderous echo in India on Sunday at 5 pm. (Hopefully it will happen on time and for 5 minutes. Knowing Indian Standard Time, it may last for an hour!) But I digress. ...

13 Mar 2018

I walk into a room that is seems to be partitioned.  Not in the real sense of the word, but you-can-cut-the-air-with-a-knife kind of feeling. There are two factions here, although neither will ever mention that. That would be ‘politically incorrect’, wouldn't it. It’s always Us vs Them. It’s the In-group vs Out-group. It’s your country vs mine (and guess which one is better!) And...