In the past week I have been talking (to those who
cared to listen) about Cross-cultural Conversations and their significance in the workplace.
Today it’s worth looking back at each of them and seeing what they spoke about.
Click on the links below to read any of the posts
We started with how important cross-cultural conversations are, like this.
And moved on to what could be misconstrued in any of the conversations. With an example of course.
Then went on what could really hurt in a conversation across borders. Click here for that.
And of course there’s always a way forward. In fact three ways forward. Right here.
And for those who know what cross-culture is all about, there are some things difficult about it. The difficult truth.
But hey there’s always a reason why we in India celebrate. It right here in our culture.
And sometimes it’s a good idea to have a good laugh at where you went wrong. Though I do hope THIS does not happen to you!
But jokes apart there’s is a lot that can go wrong in cross-cultural communication. And here are just 3 EXAMPLES.
Do you want to know more about how we can help? Here.
So read, browse, peruse, comment, share… and yes… get in touch! Or do you have an article you wish to share? Link it in the comments below!