20 Aug 2020

My Alchemy Participant Speak

When participants speak, the people listen. 15 participant. 4 weekends. One wish. To write. To write more. To write better. And did we do that? Yes. And how.

Listen to what Alpana S. a professor in Botany had to say about how the workshop grew on her!

Here it is: My Alchemy Participant Speak

Here’s what Alpana S had to say about My Alchemy

Which is the one aspect in which My Alchemy has helped you the most?

Motivating me to write by showing me the ropes!

Who would you recommend My Alchemy to?

To my students, friends, family and colleagues who have a working knowledge of English.


How is My Alchemy different from anything else you may have attended?

1. You gave us sooooo much!

2. Approach

3. Made it fun throughout ….

My Alchemy July 2020

Thank you Alpana. We enjoyed having you on board, Now that you’ve started writing, don’t stop. This is just the beginning.

Want to know more about My Alchemy? Click here

More of My Alchemy -Participant Speak? Click here

And yet another participant speaks here