Wisdom from the Youth is part of a series of posts on our interactions with young people for the dialogue on Climate Change (now against the backdrop of the COVID pandemic). These were each in their own way eye-opening. The focus was on looking at the positives coming out of this pandemic and how the youth felt about the bigger challenge that faces humanity – Climate Change. While we were familiar with the Lego® Serious Play® Methodology, there were several firsts:
– A new design thanks to #Bricks4Change core team
– A new medium – mostly virtual
– New circumstances – given a global lockdown and pandemic
– A non-corporate subject and set-up
What we gained: Wisdom from the youth
Here follows our dialogues in a rapid-fire sequence with pictures. And what we gained out of them: wisdom from the youth!
This is the second conversation using Lego Serious Play(LSP) and a virtual medium due to the lockdown.
Subsequently we’ve had several meaningful conversations with youngsters from ages 10 to 27. This continues. Keep watching this space for more.
Sama: Student
City: Mumbai
Country: India
…this quarantine has helped us become better at teamwork as a family
Says young Sama, a student. Sama’s model portrays the entire family coming together to manage the household chores. For her this teamwork is new, and a gift that the lockdown has brought her. In the gift she appreciates her discovery of how compatible the family is with each other. She thoughtfully shares how her friends have discovered their latent creativity during the lockdown, how each of them have used the increased time on their hands to be productive.
A Sensitive Outlook
As the process continues what emerges is Sama getting in touch with her sensitive side. She is grateful, she says, for the the health workers – who are putting themselves and their health on the line to battle the crisis. And she mulls on how important it is for us to realise how much we do have. Her models display insights into how the earth is healing in times of a lockdown and how it is so important for us to be conscious of our damaging habits to the environment. A blue and green model showcases a cleaner ocean and a greener earth.
A collage of the first two #Bricks4Change sessions we did with #legoseriousplay
The Lego Serious Play Session: Our individual takes
“Through this exercise of creating models with the help of Legos thus using metaphors to express ourselves I was able to get extremely creative with the pieces“, reflects Sama after the session is over.
On my part I am left thinking of how the process had brought out a sensitive, reflective and thoughtful side of a young woman, ready to understand the import of ecology and eco-consciousness. Her last promise to herself of supporting indigenous workers and small-scale industries is a clear showcase of a conscious youth in our country. That in itself is heartening. Keep up the spirit, Sama!
Do you want to know more? Or be part of this challenge?
To get more info on this global dialogue with the youth, a Bricks4Change initiative using the Lego Serious Play Methodology, click here. It’s on till 22nd July.
Want to see the earlier posts? Click here