05 Jul 2020

The Dialogue on Climate Change

Wisdom from the Youth #6

The dialogue on Climate Change (now against the backdrop of the COVID pandemic) continues. The focus remains on looking at the positives of this pandemic and how the youth feels about the bigger challenge that faces humanity – Climate Change. While we are familiar with the Lego® Serious Play® Methodology, there were several firsts:
– A new design thanks to #Bricks4Change core team
– A new medium – mostly virtual
– New circumstances – given a global lockdown and pandemic
– A non-corporate subject and set-up

What we gained: Wisdom from the youth

Here follows our dialogues in a rapid-fire sequence with pictures. And what we gained out of them: wisdom from the youth!
This is the SIXTH conversation using Lego Serious Play(LSP) and across the globe using a virtual medium.
Subsequently we’ve had several meaningful conversations with youngsters from ages 10 to 27. This continues. Keep watching this space for more.

Fatema: Student
City: Mumbai
Country: India

In times like these it is important everyone stands together!

That is the simple mantra to survive this critical pandemic situation. Each one of us needs to be responsible enough to stay at home and ensure that COVID-19 does not spread, believes this 14-year old teenager!

The lockdown gave her more time to herself. Fatema used it well by learning to cook as well as pursue art. She was happy as the family got a lot of time to spend with each other. Something which wasn’t always possible due to everyone’s varied and busy schedules.

A picture of calm and grace

It was quite pleasing to see how this young lady went about this whole session with poise and grace. At no point did she look hurried or in conflict with her views.

With all our lives slowing down, Fatema wishes the pace of deforestation will slow down too. This break has allowed the waters to refresh itself and wash away the pollutants.

Fatema believes that we need to get our act together and plant more trees to ensure we don’t face a difficult future

#bricks4change, #legoseriousplay, #climatechange

The Lego Serious Play Session: Our individual takes

On being asked how she found this session, Fatema said, ““It was a fun interactive session. It definitely widens your imaginative skills and give you the time to think about various things like nature, friends and family etc. It was a great way to emphasise about different things from various aspects”

It is always heartening to see teenagers keep it so simple and sensible. It did not feel as if Fatema was over-reaching or saying something she really did not believe in.

If you see her models in the picture above, one thing is certain, the thoughts are clear and deep!

This session left me feeling grateful that we have this younger generation which is so much more informed and responsible than we ever were!

The future is surely in good nurturing hands!

The dialogue on Climate Change. Be part of it.

To get more info on this global dialogue with the youth, a Bricks4Change initiative using the Lego Serious Play Methodology, click here. It’s on till 22nd July.
If you want to see the earlier posts click here https://www.abacusyellow.com/2020/06/wisdom-from-the-youth1/

Check out our earlier posts below:

Wisdom from the Youth #1

Wisdom from the Youth #2

Wisdom from the Youth #3

Wisdom from the Youth #4

Wisdom from the Youth #5